Pellwolok an Gernewegva is your Cornish language TV service. We publish programmes in the Cornish language – including a monthly news programme. You can also find more of our shows on YouTube.
An Mis – Cornish Language Television Programme
An Mis was a half-hour monthly Cornish Language TV programme produced by Pellwolok an Gernewegva. The show is now out of production.
An Mis o towlen bellwolok misyek neb a veu gwrys gans Pellwolok an Gernewegva. Nyns yw gwrys na fella.
Pennseythen Gernewek 2024
Yth esa an derivas ma yn kever Pennseythen Gernewek 2024 dhe Lys Kernow yn An Mis 67 (mis Meurth/Ebrel) An Mis Cornish Language Television Programmes An Mis is the half hour monthly Cornish Language TV programme produced by Pellwolok an Gernewegva. Funding for An Mis is running out. To save An Mis, please contribute regularly,...
AN MIS 67 – Bryallen, Pennseythen ha Gool Piran
An dowlen ma yw towlen nowodhow yn Kernewek. Dyllys yw ogas ha pub mis. / This is a Cornish language news programme. It is published nearly every month. Yma y’n dowlen ma: mernans Ann Trevenen Jenkin, Pennseythen Gernewek, Gool Piran ha Kegin Esther. An Mis Cornish Language Television Programmes An Mis is the half hour...