RANG #386 – An Gannas 2
[whohit]RANG #386 – An Gannas 2[/whohit]
Ni a gews pella gans Graham Sandercock
We talk more with Graham Sandercock
[whohit]RANG #386 – An Gannas 2[/whohit]
Ni a gews pella gans Graham Sandercock
We talk more with Graham Sandercock
An dowlen ma yw towlen nowodhow yn Kernewek. Dyllys yw pub mis. / This is a Cornish language news programme. It is published every month.
[whohit]AN MIS 10 – MIS METHEVEN 2018[/whohit]
[whohit]RANG #385 – Seythen Kewsel Kernewek[/whohit]
Ni a dhysk nebes yn kever an seythen arbennik ma.
We learn a little about this important week.
[whohit]RANG #384 – An Gannas[/whohit]
Graham Sandercock a lever fatel wrug ev dalleth An Gannas
Graham Sandercock tells us how he started An Gannas
[whohit]RANG #383 – Dydh Murdoch[/whohit]
Ragweles Dydh Murdoch a wren.
We preview Murdoch Day.
[whohit]RANG #382 – Hel Rag Kernow[/whohit]
Shaun McBride a wra derivas a-dro dhe dhegeans Hel rag Kernow.
Shaun McBride reports on the closure of the Hall For Cornwall.